Types of Media

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 I. Print Media Print media is the oldest form of medium, represented by magazines, journals, newsletters, and in the Philippines, tabloids, and komiks. This medium relies on the technology involving the process of transferring media text to paper in large quantities.
II. Broadcast Media  can be defined as media that distribute audio and video content, hence, radios and televisions. In the Philippines, it has been found out through a democracy study conducted by the Konrad Adeneur Stiftung that television is indeed more popular medium than the radio. People often update themselves on current events through the television.
III. New Media  are those information and entertainment providers accessed via Internet or through mobile communication such as online newspapers, independent and alternative online news sources, informational websites, and blogs. The so called new media are fast becoming the media of choice.
IV. Film Movies (films), the oldest form of motion picture technology, has been a popular entertainment medium capable of capturing lifelike video-style images. Films, also called motion picture and cinema, have a goal of unfolding a story, may be a fiction or a true-to-life story. Film is regarded as one of the significant forms of art, with the primary purpose of entertaining its audience.
V. Advertising Media, though advertising is not a medium per se, its content is the medium itself. From the media literacy viewpoint, advertising is the mass media content intended to persuade a targeted audience to take action toward a product, service or idea. It comes in different forms like a print ad, a TV ad, a radio plug, or a billboard along the highway. (Khan, 2015)
VI. Indigenous Media, according to Oxford Bibliographies (Wilson, Hearne, Cordova, & Thorner, 2014 as cited by Khan, 2015), may be classified as forms of media expression theorized, created, and spread by indigenous people around the world as means of communication, including cultural preservation, cultural and artistic expression, political self-determination, and cultural sovereignty.
